Assalamualaikum and Hai readers yg makin tinggi lagi kurus :') lama dah sara ta update ye? ofcos lah sara en kerja mengalah Prime Minister en *krik krik , mestilah busy, sara ken SPM koo haa pastu banyak kelas banyak homework banyak tuisyen , banyak extra class banyak date dgn org pandai addmath pandai fizik kimia segala duduk kt dlm pusat sumber, pastu kemain banyak hati nak jaga btw I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMM!!!! and I DAH TUA K DAH TUA , dah nak18 tahun dah tahun depan yg berbaki dua hari lagi , org kata page 363 of 365 haha so lps ni sesapa yg nak masuk minang tu dah boleh dah *ketuk kepala kt dinding , entry yg akan datang baru sara cerita pasal rasa suka duka lara *eceh sepanjang sara bersekolah k , okay now nak cerita ni haaa oh okay title hari ni cam okay tak okay je en.. nak di translate kan tu contohya mcm "tak ada apa yg boleh ubah keputusan kita/kami". Ok guys, tahun 2014 adalah tahun dimana sara benci tahun tu...., sikit la sikit *cover pakai tuala , jgn marah pulak ye, lain orang lain caranya *kena mengena -.- , haaa okay , that too much pain, too much sad , too much hard , too much love *uhuks , too much hate , to much friends yg nak sara nak tinggal kan, too much teacher yg baik pastu sara nak kena tinggalkan hmm :') haha 2014 is angka untuk two O one four , the date of 1/12/14 is the beautiful date right? but the bad day come haha *macam acah nak bagi tahu satu dunia haha, ok guys part klimaks nak dekat dah ni, tetttttttttttttttt i leave my Mr. Magic :') ,its in his 16th birthday,from that day youre not my Mr. Magic anymore beb, its okay :') for me, our three years moment, i will directly throw it out of my mind and never remember or want to turn it back, at the moment, im just scared if i lose you,but it also the day will come true and we together decide to leave this relationship , i know , for you its hard ** but for me its ** , hmm but i wont to get you hurt again and again , im soo sorry , bcs of my attitude , and all my fault ,cus i ignore ant whtvr i did to you, and we decided to off this relay , i not going to blame on you , but just once i need the time , i know im not the best great future wife for you,but im trying *** nope, im not trying :') , soo for this entry i want you to forgive me for all of my mistake and what i do to you , i not hope anything or everything from you, this is our decision and no one can change it,no one :') pls forget me and pls never comes again , thanks for our relay in past :") hope you will meet the best future wife you want and who's never get you hurt :') , and all about our promises, i will forget all about it, i need time hmm ,orite that all , I love sharing :) sincerly , me